Power Meter

by Nearbus


This project show how to control Arduino Ethernet board with IoT cloud service - NearBus - and smart phone. You can turn on/off the heat and measure the current amount of the heat.


To implement this App Note you will need:

  • 1 Arduino Ethernet Board
  • 1 Arduino Grove Shield
  • 1 Arduino Relay Shield
  • 1 Current Transformer
  • 1 Resistive Power Load - (aprox. 500W)


Javasript & Smart phone & Xivley

You can show the logging data on smart phone by using javascript and Xively service.
For more detail, refer to http://nearbus.net/wiki/index.php?title=Power_Monitor

How to use Nearbus

Refer to http://nearbus.net/wiki/index.php?title=Help.

Goto original source

블로그 이미지


위즈네트 칩(W5300, W5200, W7100, W7500) 개발자
