ArtNET DMX Node based on Arduino

by Caneira


The purpose of this article, based on an original project published in Blog Deskontrol Electronics, is to show how to build an Art-NET Node, based on the well known and well-known Arduino Mega, with capacity to control up to 4 DMX universes. This Node responds to all the basic messages of the Art-NET protocol, so any controller that respects the protocol will be able to detect it and use it as a DMX input/output device.

Materials Component name

  • Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega 1280
  • Arduino Ethernet Shield based on Wiznet W5100
  • Prototype Shiled, para montegem
  • Livraria Deskontrol 4 DMX
  • Arduino IDE V0023

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위즈네트 칩(W5300, W5200, W7100, W7500) 개발자
